Founded by Jamie Clement, seeking to connect the world of technology and gaming to that of nature using natural sustainable materials.

" I have always loved working with my hands..."

"... being outdoors and exploring the natural world. On the flip side I am a huge tech geek and comic nerd and have been an avid gamer for as long as I can remember. Nova Beam Design is my attempt to fuse these interests together "

Nova Beam creates accessories for your tech and gaming needs with a design emphasis on the materials. 

"We really try to design our products in a way that shows off the natural materials. We want our customers to take the time to appreciate the look and feel of something we've made for them. The world of technology is let's face it, one of metal and plastic. Particularly when it comes to peripherals which can often be cheap plastic rubbish."

" The natural enviroment is deteriorating fast, we all need to work together for a better future"

"This is a big driving factor for us. We look to use sustainable, reusable materials wherever possible not just to reduce the impact on the planet but also to highlight the beauty and versatility of these materials"

This ethos follows through to the making and packaging processes too, whether its reducing waste, reusing packaging materials or using renewable energy.

" We certainly can't claim to be doing everything right but we are constantly seeking to improve. "

Future plans include new designs, new products, collaborations, limited run editions...

"We are just getting started on our journey and have so many plans and ideas going forward. The support we have had from our customers and community so far has been overwhelmingly positive and we are excited for the future and what's to come"